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President's Blog

President's Blog
November 2021 My final blog of the year, and once again I find myself thinking where on earth did this year go? I have jobs on ...
2 November 2021
5.21 Min Read
President's Blog
September 2021 It was inevitable, but still disappointing to find ourselves amid a Delta outbreak. I would like to acknowledge...
17 September 2021
6.29 Min Read
President's Blog
July 2021 In my last blog I focused on the End-of-Life Choice Act and its roll out on 7 November.  I really did feel quite in t...
7 July 2021
4.61 Min Read
President's Blog
May 2021 I find it unbelievable that we are approaching the end of May, where is this year going? I also find it slightly un...
19 May 2021
6.33 Min Read
President's Blog
March 2021 I’m looking out over the Pahia coastline writing this blog. I have been at the Cultural and Leadership Hui organised...
4 March 2021
6.21 Min Read
President's Blog
November 2020 It’s late one evening as I sit here writing my first NZSA President’s blog. As someone who generally has a lot to...
27 November 2020
4.74 Min Read
President's Blog
September 2020 In an alternate version of 2020, I am sitting in the sun, drinking a hoppy little Czech beer, and enjoying bante...
16 September 2020
5 Min Read
President's Blog
July 2020 The long-awaited Simpson Health and Disability System Review report was released recently, and its goals are commenda...
2 July 2020
5.27 Min Read
President's Blog
April 2020 We are hopefully in the final week of level 4 'Lockdown,' looking longingly ahead to an announcement the Government ...
17 April 2020
3.65 Min Read
President's Blog
February 2020 Always a sign of stress, and often occurring before I have even realised I’m stressed, the dreaded difficulty wit...
27 February 2020
4.7 Min Read