Perioperative Advanced Communication Skills Workshop
Thursday 21 September, 8.45am – 4pm & Friday 22 September, 9am – 3pm
- Catherine Sayer
- Justine Wright
- Nola Ng
- Celia Palmer
PACS is a two-day scenario-based training workshop focused on improving communication skills for anaesthesia SMOs and fellows dealing with complex patient and family interactions.
As anaesthetists and perioperative physicians, much of our training is focused on learning medical knowledge and practical skills. We receive very little training for our most common ‘procedure’ – communication!
This workshop will help you identify the skills that you currently use, and add to your ‘toolbox’, resulting in more confidence for patient-centred shared decision-making and other challenging conversations.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Dr Catherine Sayer and Dr Justine Wright
Specialist Anaesthetists, Workshop Co-Convenors
Places are strictly limited. Cost $1200 inc GST.
To register email