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The NZSA develops submissions in response to policy and legislative consultations on a wide range of issues affecting the anaesthestics specialty and the wider health sector.

Key advocacy issues in 2023

New Zealand’s Health and Disability System review. Following the move to a new national health system in 2022 the NZSA will continue to represent our members as the health system reforms and future of health in Aotearoa take shape. Last year the NZSA wrote to and met with representatives from Te Whatu Ora and Ministry of Health outlining our specific areas of feedback on the Planned Care Taskforce’s plan. This work will continue with the NZSA having a role in planned care developments and working groups going forward.

Health workforce. The NZSA will continue its advocacy in seeking urgent action from the Government and national health agencies to address health workforce shortages and to prioritise the wellbeing of the health workforce. The NZSA will continue to attend workforce working groups and participate in national discussions to represent our members across the country.

Climate Change and sustainable healthcare. We support lowering New Zealand’s carbon footprint to meet our obligations of the Paris Climate Accord and advocate on how the health sector is integral in lowering emissions to reach the Government’s 2030 zero carbon neutral goals. We have advocated that climate change mitigation and adaptation needs to be undertaken within the context of health, wellbeing, and equity.

Our Environmental and Sustainability Network drives our work on sustainable healthcare and climate change advocacy. Anaesthesia in New Zealand has come a long way in reducing our carbon footprint, particularly in addressing the use of potent greenhouse gases. There are many exciting new projects on the horizon that will continue to build on previous work towards making a positive contribution to Aotearoa’s environment.

Anaesthetist Assistant. Anaesthetic technicians have been identified as a ‘priority area’ in healthcare workforce planning. Both the anaesthetic technician and the registered nurse assistant to the anaesthetist play a crucial role in providing safe care for our patients. Throughout 2023 we will continue our advocacy in supporting our colleagues towards building a sustainable workforce.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Across 2023 we will be prioritising our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi ensuring alignment between Te Tiriti and our core values as an organisation.

Global Partnerships. The NZSA have strong international relationships and ties allowing us to advocate for our anaesthesia community on the global stage. Through our global partnerships the NZSA actively participates in developing safe anaesthesia worldwide.

View previous submissions