PANNZ was established to strengthen communication and collaboration between anaesthetists who care for children around the country.
The network was formed by the NZSA and the Society for Paediatric Anaesthesia in New Zealand and Australia (SPANZA), following an open forum held at the SPANZA ASM in Auckland in October 2015. The concept of a PANNZ was unanimously supported at the meeting.
National level governance is coordinated by the National Co-ordinating Group (NCG) committee, with representatives from each District Health Board and a Private Practice group, also including NZSA and SPANZA representation. NZSA provides administrative support and hosts PANNZ pages on the NZSA website. SPANZA co-hosts the Update Meetings and provides secretariat support. The PANNZ webpage explains the aims and roles of the network, promotes upcoming activities, and provides key contacts in paediatric anaesthesia.