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Trainee Network

About NZSA Trainee Network

The NZSA offers free trainee membership and support for trainees through events, resources, scholarships, grants, and regular news updates. Find out about member benefits, how the NZSA represents anaesthetists and their patients, and how to join.

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Trainee Representatives

The NZSA has two trainee representatives on our Executive Committee. They provide a strong voice for trainees and keep the NZSA updated on key trainee issues and concerns. Our reps are full voting members of the NZSA Executive and at least one attends each Executive meeting.

The NZSA Trainee Representative meets regularly with the ANZCA Trainee Committees (NZ and Australian levels) and has close communication with GASACT, the trainee arm of our sister organisation, the Australian Society of Anaesthetists.

Further Information for Trainees

As an NZSA trainee member there are also opportunities to work and/or attend conferences in the Pacific through our Global Health Committee. There is an annual Trainee Grant to attend the Pacific Society of Anaesthetist’s Annual Refresher Course, as well as locum positions to apply for throughout the year, including providing cover for Pacific anaesthetists to attend their annual conference. Visit our Global Health Committee page.

The New Zealand Resident Doctors Association (RDA) and Specialty Trainees of New Zealand (SToNZ)

The RDA and SToNZ are the major representative associations for Resident Medical Officers (RMOs) (i.e. house officers and registrars) in New Zealand. One of the most important roles of the RDA is negotiation of the Multi-Employer Collective Agreement (MECA) which covers RMO employment contracts and conditions for those employed by DHBs across New Zealand.

The RDA and SToNZ MECAs provide full reimbursement of all training costs. This includes attending examination preparation courses, EMAC and/or EMST. Some DHBs will fund other courses on a case-by-case basis, guided by recommendations from their Anaesthetic Department.

For RDA members, Senior registrars in their 5th year or above are also entitled to $6,500 and eight days’ conference leave to attend conferences. The clause comes into effect one year after passing the Primary Examination.

For SToNZ members, trainees receive 10 days of conference leave, and $2000 per annum (accruable to $6000) for implements to aid training (such as laptops, non-reimbursed textbook, subscriptions, conferences). This is currently at the discretion of each DHB and Anaesthetic Department.


Please see the unions’ websites for more details.



NZ Part 0 Course

ANZCA hosts the Part 0 Course for new trainees in each of the four rotations in New Zealand. For information visit the ANZCA website


NZ Part 3 Course

NZSA hosts this one-day interactive course every two years. It is ideal for advanced trainees to gain insight into the opportunities and issues they may have during the transition from RMO to SMO. In 2022 we are looking to host a Part 3 Course and will provide details when confirmed.


Other courses


Combined Scientific Congress 2022

21-24 October 2022, Wellington

For more information and to register visit

Annual Queenstown Update in Anaesthesia (AQUA)

Provides updates on a wide range of topics relevant to contemporary anaesthetic practice. A discounted registration fee applies to NZSA members. Details can be found on the AQUA website


Auckland City Symposium

This annual meeting is held in Auckland. The programme for registrars (the “Anaesthetic Registrars’ Day”) takes place the day before the main programme, and is usually free, whereas participants pay a fee for the main programme.


Annual Registrars Meeting

This meeting is held in late November or early December in Auckland. The morning session usually consists of lectures on topics relevant to trainees. The afternoon scientific session allows trainees to present their research to an audience of specialists and trainees, which will be considered for their Formal Project assessment. The NZSA is one of the sponsors of this event.